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Australia International


Please click the links below to download literature in PDF format.

If you need a printed copy of any piece of literature, contact Simpson Strong-Tie or give us a yell at 1300 STRONGTIE.


Cover Product Line Description DOWNLOAD Type
Substructure Products Substructure Products Overview 2025 F-SUBSTRUCTURE-AUNZ25 Flyer
Strong-Drive Structural Screws Structural Screw Overview 2024 F-SSCREWS-AU24 Flyer
Product List 2023-2024 Product offering for 2023-2024. Effective November 2023 C-SSTAU23 Catalogue
Deck-DriveTM Premium Fasteners Your complete decking fastener solution S-F-DDAU23 Brochure
Mass Timber Construction Connectors & Fasteners for Mass Timber Construction C-MT-AUNZ23 Catalogue

Fasteners & Fastening Systems

Fasteners & Fastening Systems product catalogue (2018-2020) C-AF-AUNZ18 Catalogue
Strong-RodTM Systems Strong-RodTM Systems have become a popular continuous rod tiedown solution for light-frame, multi-story timber construction.  F-L-SRSAUNZ21 Catalogue

FRP Carbon Fibre Reinforcing Systems

FRP Carbon Fibre Reinforcing Systems product flyer

F-R-S&P-FRP-AU23 Flyer
Outdoor Accents - Avant Collection Timeless beauty. Tested strength F-C-OAAVANT20 Brochure
Structural Conectors Overview Structural Connectors Overview S-SSTOVAUNZ-19 Brochure

A34 A35 Reinforced Angle Bracket

The versatile A34 and A35 Reinforced Angle Brackets provide a way to make a straight angle of 90° connection. 

Package icon Download File (1.7 MB)

ABU Adjustable Post Base

The ABU Adjustable Post Base provides a high‑strength connection between the post and concrete. 

Package icon Download File (1.47 MB)

CBT Concealed Beam Tie

The CBT Concealed Beam Tie is part of our concealed structural connector range, which combines structural strength with invisibility.

Package icon Download File (1.14 MB)

CPT Concealed Post Base Tie

The CPT Concealed Post Base Tie is part of our concealed structural connector range, which combines structural strength with invisibility.

Package icon Download File (2.44 MB)

DTT Tension Tie & Holdown

The DTT Tension Tie & Holdown is designed for lighter‑duty holdown applications on single or double studs.

Package icon Download File (4.06 MB)

E-Z Mender

 The E-Z Mender is a simple solution for a number of timber fence post repair and reinforcement in both dirt or concrete. 

Package icon Download File (990 KB)

HTT Tension Tie & Holdown

 The HTT Tension Tie & Holdown is designed for heavy‑duty holdown applications on single or double studs and offer a solution for resisting tension loads. 

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HTT Tension Tie & Holdown - CLT

 The HTT Tension Tie & Holdown is designed for heavy‑duty holdown applications on single or double studs and offer a solution for resisting tension loads. 

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Hurricane Tie

Hurricane Ties provide a positive connection between the truss/rafter and the wall of the structure to resist wind and seismic forces. 

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IUC Face Fix Concealed Joist Hanger

The IUC Face Fix Concealed Joist Hanger is a face‑mounted concealed flange hanger solid timber sections.

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IUSE Face Fix I-Joist Hanger

The IUSE Face Fix I-Joist Hanger is a hybrid hanger that incorporates the advantages of a face mount and top mount hanger. 

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LSSR Slopeable & Skewable Joist Hanger

The innovative design of the LSSR Slopeable & Skewable Joist Hanger allows it to adjust for skew up to 45° and features an innovative hinged swivel seat to adjust for up to a 45° slope on site.

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LUS Double Shear Joist Hanger

Joist hangers are designed to provide support underneath the joist, rafter or beam to provide a strong a connection. 

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MP Mending Plate

The MP Mending Plate is a versatile and easy-to-use mending plate for timber-to-timber connections. 

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Outdoor Accents

A complete line of decorative timber connectors and fasteners from Simpson Strong-Tie, you can now bring both design elegance and structural strength to your outdoor living areas.

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SAE Face Fix Joist Hanger

The SAE Face Fix Joist Hanger is a heavy-duty hanger designed for applications requiring additional strength.

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SDE Split Joist Hanger

The SDE Split Joist Hanger is a two‑piece, width‑adjustable joist hanger that can accommodate joist widths from 60mm and 120mm. 

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SDWC Truss Screw

The Strong‑Drive® SDWC Truss Screw provides a truss and rafter-to-top plate connection as well as a method to fasten stud-to-top and bottom plate. 

Package icon Download File (6.87 MB)

SDWS Timber Screw

The SDWS is the advanced alternative to bolting timber, or batten and coach screws, being 30% faster and 10% stronger than an equivalent batten screw. 

Package icon Download File (6.79 MB)

TA Staircase Angle

The TA Staircase Angle is a heavy duty angle bracket for connecting stair treads and stringers.

Package icon Download File (830.65 KB)

THD Titen HD Heavy Duty Screw Anchor - Concrete & Masonry

Titen HD® Heavy Duty Screw Anchor is the original high-strength screw anchor for use in cracked and uncracked concrete, as well as uncracked masonry. 

Package icon Download File (3.26 MB)

TP Tie Plate

The TP Tie Plate joins and reinforces joints with a simple, versatile solution for a wide range of connections.

Package icon Download File (382.09 KB)


Decking Calculator

Weatherboard Calculator


Important Info & General Notes

Corrosion Information

In January 2004, the pressure treated timber industry voluntarily shifted from using CCA-C to alternative chemical treatments. To determine this impact on timber connectors, Simpson Strong-Tie conducted industry approved tests and found that many of the alternatives were more corrosive than CCA-C. Because this is an important safety issue, we have devoted several pages of our website to the issue of corrosion. We hope you find it informative and helpful in making decisions about this topic.

For Quik Drive® products: We recommend Stainless Steel, and Quik Guard© as materials/coatings that can, in appropriate environmental conditions, be used with the following pressure treated lumber: ACQ-C, ACQ-D, ACQ-D Carbonate, CBA-A, CA-B, SBX, MCQ and CCA.



Safety Data Sheets

All Safety Data Sheets are in the PDF file format and require Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.


Chemical Anchors Download
AT-HP® Blue High-Performance Methacrylate Anchoring Adhesive Safety Data Sheet
SET-XP® High-Strength Epoxy Anchoring Adhesive Safety Data Sheet
VT-HP® High Performance Chemical Anchor Safety Data Sheet
Mechanical Anchors Download

Retrofit Bolt, Blue Banger Hanger®, Crimp Anchor, Drop-In Anchor, Easy-Set Expansion Anchor, Heli-Tie® Helical Wall Tie, Hollow Wall Anchor, IXP Anchor, Lag Screw Expansion Shield, Machine Screw Anchor, Nailon Pin Drive Anchor, Plastic Screw Anchor, Sleeve-All® Anchor, Split Drive Anchor, Spring Wing Toggle Bolt, Strong-Bolt Wedge Anchor, Strong-Bolt2 Wedge Anchor, Sure Wall Drywall Anchor/Toggle, Titen® Screw, Titen HD® Anchor, Torq-Cut Anchor, Wedge-All® Anchor

Safety Data Sheet
Powder-Actuated Tools & Fasteners Download

Cartridges for Power Devices
Powder Loads: P22AC, P22LRSC, P25SL, P27LVL, P27SL, P22ACA, P27SLA, P27LVLA

Fasteners for Powder-Driven Tools

Powder-Actuated Tool Lubricant

Safety Data Sheet

Reports & Approvals

Adhesives Download
AT-HP® Blue High-Performance Anchoring Adhesive


ETA-19-0265 (CONCRETE)

ETA 19-0418 (MASONRY)

CSTB FIRE TEST No. MRF 18 26076859/B

SET-XP® High-Strength Epoxy Anchoring Adhesive

ETA-11/0360 (OPTION 1)





Mechanical Anchors Download
Titen HD® Heavy Duty Screw Anchor

ETA-12/0060 (Option 1)

ICC-ES ESR-2713 (Concrete) 

ESR-1056 (Masonry)

Titen HD® Washer Head Heavy Duty Screw Anchor

ICC-ES ESR-2713 (Concrete) 

Fasteners Download
SSDTH Weatherboard Screws BRANZ APPRAISAL No. 1044 (2019)

Software and Web Applications

CLT Toolbox

Category : 
Mass Timber
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

CLT Toolbox, an online software for mass timber construction. Its mission is to equip engineers with the tools and knowledge to confidently design complex timber structures with timber, ensuring they can offer sustainable options to their clients.

The platform also includes robust supply chain functionalities, enabling users to source materials and components efficiently and sustainably.

  • It offers cutting-edge calculators and design modules and educational resources, simplifying complex and time-consuming tasks.
  • The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, offering precise inputs and outputs, selection of Australia timber grades, dynamic images, and PDF design report generation.
  • CLT Toolbox reduces emissions by using low-carbon timber and avoiding concrete, saving both money and the environment.
  • It supports NZS AS 1720.1 and Eurocode 5.

Simpson Strong-Tie fasteners from our Mass Timber Construction Solutions are available in CLT Toolbox. 

Solid Wood

Monday, August 14, 2023

Solid Wood is a web-based tool that designs timber connections with nails and screws according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1-1). The software calculates methodically joints of timber to timber, steel to timber or mass timber while helping the user to find the right product for the application.

The software is easy to use and makes it easier to understand and specify the right solutions, based on substrate density, material characteristics, corrosion category and load. The software generates solutions from fasteners that are in stock in Australia, and provides a PDF-report that can be used as documentation for the project.

In 4 simple steps, Solid Wood finds a code approved fastening solution which is suitable for the specific project. The specifications can be printed out and used as documentation.

  • Documentation according to Eurocode 5 (EN 1995-1-1)
  • Support for CLT calculations according to ETA-21/0670
  • Faster and easier than calculating by hand
  • Link to our website to easily get more information about the products



Solid Wood software is solely based on European design methodology and product application, and fastener capacities are derived using EN 1995-1-1:2004+A2_2014 (Eurocode 5).  While some guidance is provided to relate required software design inputs to NZ/AU terminology, by using Solid Wood in NZ/AU the user agrees it is entirely their responsibility to satisfy themselves that resulting design outputs are compliant with local NZ/AU building codes, regulations, and design Standards.

Anchor Designer™ for Concrete

Category : 
Anchor Systems
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Anchor Designer for Concrete free desktop software is the latest anchorage design tool for structural engineers to satisfy the strength design provisions of ACI 318-19/-14 Chapter 17 / ACI 318-11 Appendix D, CAN/ CSA A23.3 Annex D, ETAG 001 Annex C or EOTA TR029 design methodologies.

Anchor Designer for Concrete will quickly and accurately analyze an existing design or suggest anchorage solutions based upon user-defined design elements in cracked and uncracked concrete conditions.

The real-time design is visually represented in a fully-interactive 3D graphic user interface, supports Imperial and Metric-sized Simpson Strong-Tie mechanical and adhesive anchors, and offers cast-in-place solutions. Anchor Designer for Concrete can calculate single anchor solutions or up to 16 anchors in a single plate. Previous designs from existing Simpson Strong-Tie anchor design software may be uploaded into Anchor Designer for Concrete, and the detailed output is provided in convenient PDF format.


  • Single and multiple anchor layouts. Multiple anchor layouts allow for up to 16 anchor bolts in a single base plate.
  • Rectangular, circular, L-shape and T-shape base plate geometries with the option to include slotted holes.
  • Ability to combine and analyze loads using the "Load Wizard" to determine the governing load for your design.
  • Easily manage projects with multiple designs in one file.
  • Ability to calculate single anchor model or to calculate multiple anchor models at once.
  • Axial and moment forces can be applied simultaneously in all x-, y-, and z-directions.
  • Calculation summary tab provides for fast and easy verification of calculations. Detailed calculation output is provided in PDF format for saving and printing.
  • Multi-lingual options include English, German, French, Danish, Spanish and Polish languages.
  • LiveUpdate feature allows notification and download of the latest version of the software as updates become available.


  • Fully interactive 3D graphic user interface.
  • New easy to use Simplified Geometry Button for faster designs of simple base plates and quick anchor spacing changes.
  • Easy-to-use menus.
  • Includes prequalified Simpson Strong-Tie post-installed Imperial and Metric sized mechanical and adhesive anchor solutions for cracked and uncracked concrete.
  • Includes cast-in-place anchor solutions for cracked and uncracked concrete.
  • Easy to use design templates and save your own custom templates
  • Create custom anchor patterns

Structural Connections


Unmatched Quality from the Truss to the Foundation

With nearly 60 years of field and R&D experience, Simpson Strong-Tie® timber connectors are manufactured to the industry's highest standards. From framing angles to straps to heavy-duty joist hangers, we offer the most diverse product line so that you have the right product for the job.

Simpson Strong-Tie® connectors offer unmatched quality with laboratory and field testing, and are backed by our uncompromising commitment to customer service. As the company that built the connector industry, you can count on Simpson Strong-Tie® to work closely with builders, engineers and building officials to deliver innovative, building code-compliant solutions to help build safer, stronger structures economically. Download the Structural Connectors Overview Flyer.

Timber Connectors

From testing to service to availability, everything we do is engineered to ensure your project's success. With every product, you know you are getting the quality, value, service and on-time delivery that we have built our reputation on for the past 60 years.

From straps and ties to joist hangers and much more, Simpson Strong-Tie® structural connectors increase the strength and safety of timber-frame structures. Each connector is unique to Simpson Strong-Tie and is designed for specific applications without the need to adapt metal plating to suit a connection. 

Steel Frame Connectors

From fully tested and engineered connectors and clips Simpson Strong-Tie® provides comprehensive structural solutions for cold-formed steel construction. From steel-to-steel connections to full-scale lateral solutions and curtain wall connectors, we remain committed to developing new technology that helps to advance the cold-formed steel industry.

Find out how Simpson Strong-Tie timber connectors can help you build the right way every day. Download the Cold-Fromed Steel Construction Connectors Catalogue.