Tasmania Freight Access Bridge Upgrade Program 2020
August 13, 2021
Simpson Strong-Tie Composite Strengthening Systems™ has been used to strengthen 7 bridges across Tasmania as part of the ongoing Infrastructure Upgrade programs. Fulfilling strategic designs for load bearing capacity increases, tight timelines and budget constraints.
“The Tasmanian Government is committed to strengthening Tasmanian bridges on key routes to retain the existing levels of service for heavy vehicle freight and community access. These upgrades of state road bridges are in order to allow for high-productivity freight vehicles (HPFV).” Source: Transport Tasmania
With the increase in load requirements of bridges and the need to extend service life, strengthening with Composite Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) can be considered as an ideal solution.
Due to the nature of stiffened kerb bridges, strengthening with CFRP has been considered as an ideal solution. The strengthening and rehabilitation of bridges using CFRP has been widely adopted across Australia. It provides a cost effective and efficient strengthening solution with significant advantages.
Simpson Strong-Tie were chosen for the repair due to their engineering capabilities, technical knowledge and field support.
For more details, download the Case Study.
Structural Connections
Unmatched Quality from the Truss to the Foundation
With nearly 60 years of field and R&D experience, Simpson Strong-Tie® timber connectors are manufactured to the industry's highest standards. From framing angles to straps to heavy-duty joist hangers, we offer the most diverse product line so that you have the right product for the job.
Simpson Strong-Tie® connectors offer unmatched quality with laboratory and field testing, and are backed by our uncompromising commitment to customer service. As the company that built the connector industry, you can count on Simpson Strong-Tie® to work closely with builders, engineers and building officials to deliver innovative, building code-compliant solutions to help build safer, stronger structures economically. Download the Structural Connectors Overview Flyer.
Timber Connectors
From testing to service to availability, everything we do is engineered to ensure your project's success. With every product, you know you are getting the quality, value, service and on-time delivery that we have built our reputation on for the past 60 years.
From straps and ties to joist hangers and much more, Simpson Strong-Tie® structural connectors increase the strength and safety of timber-frame structures. Each connector is unique to Simpson Strong-Tie and is designed for specific applications without the need to adapt metal plating to suit a connection. Download the Timber Construction Connectors Catalogue (2016-2018).